Mathematica in Education and Research (MiER) Volumen 11, Número 2
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- Categoría: Mathematica
- Visto: 2688
El segundo número del volumen 11 de la publicación
Mathematica in Education and Research (MiER) se encuentra disponible para sus suscriptores. Los contenidos de esta edición son:
- Global optimization using Mathematica: A test of software tools, por Craig Loehle.
- Global Positioning System N-points problem, por Béla Paláncz.
- A magic parabola, por Haiduke Sarafian y Nenette Sarafian.
- Global features of the magic parabolas, por Haiduke Sarafian y Michael Trott.
- Trigonometric functions of multiple angles and some special identities II, por ilak de Alwis.
- Mathematics education reform and an e-learning system, por Toshihiko Nishimoto y Koichi Fujii.
- CLASSROOM NOTES: DNA sequence alignment - Part I, por Bruce Torrence.
- FRONT END PROGRAMMING: Active elements. Creating buttons and palettes, por Dale R. Horton.
- MATHEMATICAL GRAPHICS: Newton's method for complex polynomials, por Mark McClure.
- GEOMETRIC THEMES: Spiral animations and polygonal spirals, por Jaime Rangel-Mondragón.
- BOOK REVIEWS: Review of Option Valuation Under Stochastic Volatility with Mathematica Code, 2nd Edition, by Alan L. Lewis, por Michael F. Kelly.
- BOOK REVIEWS: Review of Computational Financial Mathematics using Mathematica, Optimal Trading in Stocks and Options, 1st Edition, by Srdjan Stojanovic, por Michael F. Kelly.